Monday, 10 February 2014

Scientific madness

I am a wanna be scientist.
To make it clear, I have spent 6.5 years of my life at Universities, so far.
Including the 3 years at Higher Education where my "scientific madness" was born, let's say around 10 in total.
1 year belongs to undergraduate research thesis and internship training, 1 year goes to my research Master (split into 2 labs) and a half goes to the first period of my PhD.
And I am almost 24.

Getting back home after a quite tiring Monday in the lab (Mondays are awful by default, count also the fact that it happened to be one of those days that NOTHING works...) the above article caught my attention.

Lots and lots of people move from academia to the industry. I can't say wether the article is on the positive or negative side, but that's true.

It's common that students realise that they actually want something else and switch. Academic career is tough. And it becomes further tough given those statistics which show that the position availability trend doesn't follow such a dramatic increase as that one of the number of PhDs.
The research area is a demanding field that requires extreme effort and sacrifices sometimes. It's not that you have to do "a lot of work". Well, it's not only that!

You have to invest three quarters of your time to your work. You don't have a fixed working-hour plan. Usually, you are also working from home. Even your free time is occupied.
Again, it's not that simple!

You have to be there, concentrated, working hard, with both your brain and your hands the same time. You have to be a perfect calculator, a perfect organiser (keeping record before and after the experiment), a perfect analyser.
You have to be critical, to observe very carefully, to compare, to perform troubleshooting when something goes wrong, to be flexible.
You have to be good at working on your pc, as well as sitting upright when on the bench.
You have to own communicative skills, to be talkative, approachable and sociable. To build collaborations, to ask when you don't understand, to explore when you don't know.
You have to be able to suggest, to interpret, to be technically correct.
An inspiring talker, a succinct writer, always to the point, friendly but competitive!

All this sounds terrifying, but also challenging, isn't it?

Unfortunately, it remains hard.
A lot of people realise that investing so much, keeps them away from real life.

Quite often, though, they find themselves working hard, but without knowing why and what for.
It is when you feel that you have been transformed into a hard worker, not a scientist any more!
And this is far away from what you had imagined, obviously.

Losing the "big picture" by focusing on the detail of the detail, is really disappointing. And happens quite often!

In my opinion, this is the primary reason why people move to alternative careers, beyond research.
The need to communicate. The need to feel the magic of science by sharing, explaining in simple words to common people. The need to visualise again the "big picture". That picture they dreamt of when at school, when they attended the first Biology class, the first Chemistry class.

Remaining a lover of your PhD regardless the difficulties and keep seeing the "big picture"?
Very tricky!
But if you manage, the success is with you!

Miss M.

(trying every single day not to miss the big picture and then the whole research game...)

Friday, 7 February 2014

Είναι κάτι πρωινά

"Όταν χαράζει... ο πρώτος στεναγμός...
βγαίνει απ'τα πιο σφιγμένα χείλη..."

Όταν χαράζει πού;
Εδώ ή εκεί;

Θυμάσαι κάτι σιγανά ξημερώματα, φωτιά στο χτύπο της καρδιάς. Δροσερό το αεράκι να σε ξυπνά, να σε κυμίζει, πλάι στο κύμα. Φωτεινές χαραυγές που γέμιζαν ενοχές και απόλαυση του απαγορευμένου συνάμα.
Μαβιά, πορτοκαλιά κι έπειτα κόκκινα και να σου ο ήλιος.
Όλοι αυτό περίμεναν άλλωστε.

Πού όμως;
Εδώ ή εκεί;

Θυμάσαι και κάτι ξημερώματα γκρίζα, να 'ναι καλά το ρολόι. Όσο είναι στο χέρι της μπαταρίας, τόσο θα ξημερώνει.
Με λίγη προσπάθεια για διάθεση και διάθεση για προσπάθεια, θα δεις πάλι χρώματα, ίσως όχι ήλιο, αλλά δε βαριέσαι.

Μυρωδιές ανάκατα.
Ένα συνοθύλεμα από μυρωδιές, κριθάρι που γίνεται μπύρα ή κριθάρι που γίνεται ψωμί;
Κάποιοι μας είπαν πως αυτή η μυρωδιά εδώ το πρωί μοιάζει με μυρωδιά απ'του κυρ-Μουστάκα στο χωριό ένα καλοκαίρι. Πρώτη φουρνιά έτοιμη και ουρά να προλάβουμε το τελευταίο κρουασάν και βουρ για τον ήλιο μετά.

Αυτός που το σκέφτηκε ήταν ή μεθυσμένος ή κορόιδευε τον εαυτό του και τη συνείδησή του.

Κι ο στεναγμός κοινός παρανομαστής. Εκεί, πάντα. Εδώ κι εκεί.
Σφίξε τα χείλη, σφίξε γροθιά. Όλα καλά!

Έλα μωρέ... μη μου παραπονιέσαι!
Κάποια στιγμή δε θα νυχτώνει και όλες οι ώρες σου θα 'ναι όμορφα ξημερώματα. Τόσο που να γίνει θάλασσα το πάρκο, να βγεις να λιαστείς με το μαγιό σου που μυρίζει αρμύρα ακόμη.

Καράβια τα δέντρα να σε ταξιδέψουν . Σε νησιά σε πετρόχτιστα σπίτια σε πύργους, κάστρα και αρχαία απομεινάρια.

"Καινούρια μέρα, καινούριος ποταμός..." κι όλα καλά!

Μις Μ.

Olympic spirit 2014

And how is "normal“ or “natural” defined?

Homosexuality is widespread in nature and such examples around the whole animal kingdom -to which we belong- are more than one can imagine. Reproduction and perpetuation of our species should be separated from instincts, passions and emotions that may indeed serve the first, however they are not identical to each other.

I personally consider judging people for their sexual preferences as -mildly speaking- stupid; while living in a world and a time that perversion and "abnormality" are deeply rooted in numerous aspects of social life. This is the obvious "anomaly” against which just a few people will intensely complain.

And above all, the Olympic spirit is actually a spirit of solidarity, friendship and fair play, where discrimination of any kind just doesn’t fit!

Miss M.

Wednesday, 5 February 2014

Welcome feeling

Hello everyone!

Welcome to my net-world!

I came up with the idea to create a blog in a sunny morning that my creativity reached its peaks, actually 1 year and a half ago.
It took me only 1 year and a half to transform my idea into action and here I am, introducing myself to you, people, either interested in knowing me better, or not.

Well, you can call me "Miss M."
Ms M. is a young lady from Greece, originally an islander (just google for "Andros island, Cyclades"), who lived in Athens for 5 years and loved Athens for her entire life. She decided to expand her horizons -both mentally and spatially- a little bit more, by moving in Edinburgh (Edinburgh is the capital of Scotland, Glasgow is just the "massive-ugly-city") for studies in September 2012. Since then, she has been enjoying her time in the fairy-Edinburgh, surrounded by castles and cemeteries. Well, as much as a PhD student is able to enjoy life!

The motto is "every moment is worth and every experience or thought needs to be spread and shared".

This is all you need to know to start with...


Miss M.

ps: Oh! Please! Forgive my linguistic mistakes.. I am afraid you will have to deal with it! Also, I apologise in advance for the posts in greek language, for the times that I am too tired to consult google translate every 2 minutes.