Sunday 31 January 2016


Like a pigeon in the sky, or a goldfish in the ocean.
You are by default insignificant, a weak creature in the vastness of the universe.

No matter what..
In storm, in tempest you would fly high, you would dive deep till you reached your farest destination.

I saw you riding your motorbike yesterday. You always reached for danger. Fearless and strong.
The cold air on your wavy hair, pumping through your lungs - a god’s look shining all over you. A giant in my eyes.

Then I realised you didn’t belong here. Heroes are not made for this world.
They are born to ride on greater motorways where there is no time, no rush and speed is all you need to feel alive.

Fuck them all!

Go there, pass the limits, run to infinity
set your wheels on fire and live in eternity!

Miss M.

(for John G.)

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